The people behind CaliRP:

Scott C.

Logan P.
Deputy Director

Mike W.
Asst. Deputy Director

William G.
Asst. Deputy Director
California Roleplay strives to be as realistic as possible hence the realistic departments and ranking structure. The mission of California Roleplay is to provide the strongest level of roleplay. We have lots of training and go through it very often, making sure we stay on top of everything. We take FailRP very seriously. But don't let this scare you as we are a very fun community. We strive to accomplish our mission with the most realism possible.
We encourage members with Grand Theft Auto 5 to join one of the many departments that we offer. Don't feel bad if you can't acquire Grand Theft Auto 5 as we leave no one behind. We encourage those members to join our Communications Department. At the end of the day, we want all members to enjoy their time in helping bring realistic role play to life.
002 E Peaceful St
Los Santos, SA 90500