"Safety, Service, Security"

As a Highway Trooper, you must know that a certain level of trust has been bestowed upon you, both by your peers, and the public you were sworn to protect. As a Law Enforcement Officer, your fundamental duty is to serve mankind; to safeguard lives and property; to protect the innocent against deception, the weak against oppression, and the peaceful against violence; and to respect the constitutional rights of all men. The California Highway Patrol's main mission is to provide a safe way of travel across all state roads whether that's stopping speeders, drivers under the influence, or reckless drivers. Making sure they limit traffic collisions and the severity of them.
The California Highway Patrol and each trooper will strive to:
Provide the best in service, safety, and security to all citizens of California.
Provide public service with professionalism, empathy, and integrity.
Identify areas in which public safety can be enhanced.
Be leaders in responsibility and accountability by utilizing the maximum effort toward reaching the California Highway Patrol’s mission.
Treat all citizens and peers in a fair and equal manner without prejudice and bias towards race, gender, religion, physical or mental disability, or sexual orientation.
Reduce crime, make roadways safe, and provide assistance to the public in the utmost professional manner.
Utilize available technology to meet the demands of peers and citizens that they serve.
ASU [Air Support Unit]
The Air Support Unit is responsible for coordinating with ground units and dispatch to aid in the apprehension of criminals. The Air Support Unit also has capabilities to assist in Search and Rescue Missions.
CVE [Commercial Vehicle Enforcement]
The Commercial Vehicle Enforcement Unit is responsible for enforcing all laws and regulations of commercial vehicles in the state of California. The goals of the unit are to lower the amount of commercial vehicle accidents, enforce commercial vehicle regulations, and hazardous cargo regulations.
DUI Enforcement
DUI Enforcement is responsible for keeping the roadways of California free of under the influence drivers. DUI Enforcement conducts BAC Tests, DUI Checkpoints, and aims to keep the highways of California kept clean of intoxicated drivers.
Highway Patrol Investigations Unit
The Highway Patrol Investigations Unit is responsible for investigating traffic collisions and incidents. The goals of the unit are to investigate further by gathering evidence and piecing scenes together when the scene of events aren't clear. The unit also is specialized in investigating any major situation that occurs in the state, mainly interstate and highway systems.
Motor Unit
The Motor Bike Unit is specialized in its ability in tight spaces. The Motor Bike Unit can also be used in pursuits, escorts, and patrol vehicles.